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Like a fool in 2004, I decided I needed another hobby. And so began my railway layout.... oh and it's Swiss... what a surprise!
This page is dedicated to all the hardwork, anguish, arguements, highs and lows of designing and building my model railway.... and remember I've never built one before! As we want ths to read 'like a history of the build', at the bottom of this page you'll find a links to various stages of the build so far.
Latest news of the layout will appear in brief here with further info on the linked pages.

Like a lot of chaps, I’ve always enjoyed railways, well the good ones, so when I decided that I needed another hobby, I plumped for model railways. Now remember here, I've never done railway modelling before, so I was and continue to learn largely by my mistakes. 


So came the subject matter… what to model.. well it was an easy decision of course. Over the years I've spent many joyful hours travelling on the excellent Swiss railway system, in particular the myriad of lines of the Jungfraubahnen. They now own and operate a number of once separate railway companies, including the BOB Berner Oberland Bahnen who run from Interlaken to the mountain villages of Lauterbrunnen and Grindelwald, and from there the Wengen Alp Bahnen continuing to Kleine Schiedegg, the starting point of the Jungfraubahn itself, for the trip of a lifetime up to the magnificent Aletsch glacier and the highest railway station in Europe. Strange then that I decided not to model any of these!! (maybe another day!) Yes the planning began in earnest.... have you ever heard of a town called earnest?!

Rob from Auckland New Zealand kindly wrote on the guestbook

'Stumbled on your website tonight and enjoyed viewing the construction of your railway- Although I'm not a modeller I admire the results you guys get.Woodturning is my hobby.I am a Signalbox Controller at Britomart Station in Auckland'

Click any of the links below to take you to that part of the railway story!

Planning the railway

The story of the Helixes

Joining up the Helixes

Starting to think about Scenery

Closing up the Mountains

The Tunnel Portals

Trees Trees and more trees

The Layout Backdrop

It's something I offered on our old website and thought I would repeat the offering. Unlike many poor imitations, this official Swiss railways clock actually pauses it's second hand at the top just like the real thing. It's just over 1 MB.

Download the SBB Swiss Railways Clock Screensaver

 I'd very much like to thank good friends Joy and Gerald for their invaluable railway advice, and support at moments of crisis!! Also Mum and Russ for the garage, and my dear dear wife Liz for her patience with me and my spending on railway stuff!!!! 
If you've got any model railway advice, comments or questions, please leave me a message in our guestbook!
The website of the Goss family.